
How to set supporting tactics for an effective PR strategy?

Traditionally, public relations (PR) campaigns have always been focused on the creation of a cohesive brand message that is intended to reach a select audience, possibly through interacting with media and securing coverage with the highest exposure possible. However, the emergence of newer technologies and innovations have seen major changes in the business and PR landscape.

Today, digital plays an important role in the rapidly changing PR industry. In fact, the use of digital PR tactics and topics have resulted in boosting one's business. These new additions would include:

  •   •Influencer Marketing-It would be best to be able to identify and know more about industry micro influencers, forge strategic partnerships and develop common plans that both parties can adopt and benefit from.
  •   •Thought Leadership-Develop and nurture your top officials, executives, designated spokespersons into industry thought leaders by utilizing blogs, social media interaction and digital advertorials, etc.
  •   •Speaking Opportunities-Explore speaking opportunities for your industry thought leader, particularly for webinars, podcasts or conferences.
  •   •Social Media Marketing-Develop content aimed at building and reinforcing relationships with your intended audience. Social Media, for one, is a strategic platform that can help in sharing company news while also being able to reach out to a wider audience.

Having said that, a lot of today's industries have changed--becoming more complicated and exploring different takes and angles. PR is no exception. The presence of these newer technologies and innovations have only paved the way for more affordable digital tools, giving today's businesses the improved ability to get the word out to its target audience.